This page displays sold house prices for Roundwell in Maidstone.
Roundwell in Bearsted, Maidstone consists predominantly of detached houses. Properties on Roundwell typically have values around £650,000 - £850,000, with exceptional properties valued upwards of £12,300,000.
Barty Cottage Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HL
£400,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
11th March 2010 |
Barty House Nursing Home Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HN
£12,300,000 |
Other, Freehold |
29th January 2015 |
Brackendale House Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HJ
£458,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
26th January 2012 |
Brackendale House Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HJ
£247,500 |
Detached house, Freehold |
22nd March 2002 |
Cherry Bank Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HN
£296,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
30th June 1999 |
Commonwood House Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HN
£630,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
30th November 1999 |
Commonwood House Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HN
£989,999 |
Detached house, Freehold |
14th July 2011 |
Commonwood House Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HN
£315,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
12th January 1995 |
End Cottage Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HL
£130,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
19th January 1996 |
End Cottage Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HL
£275,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
29th September 2000 |
Glenrowan House Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HL
£900,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
19th August 2013 |
Nanesta Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4EU
£305,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
4th August 2004 |
Old Tiles Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4EU
£198,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
26th June 1995 |
Old Tiles Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4EU
£475,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
19th May 2005 |
Roundwell House Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HN
£250,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
29th April 1998 |
Roysden Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HN
£490,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
8th July 2009 |
The Bluff Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4EU
£325,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
17th September 2008 |
Woodland Cottage Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HN
£600,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
29th January 2003 |
Wrights Cottage Roundwell, Bearsted ME14 4HN
£323,000 |
Detached house, Freehold |
29th April 2015 |