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"I didn't want STRIPES!!!"

A review of Castacrete by Elaine Pyke written on Thursday 10th of March 2022


I have already posted on Stonecraft's review page (nearly 40 people have seen the pictures!). We bought 600x600 light grey slabs and when down they had stripes. On hosing and drying the stripes were still there. Tina at Stonecraft, Ashford suggested pressure washing. On drying they were still there. I scrubbed all 82 with bleach, slightly better. This all over several weeks as I had to wait for dry weather in between times and couldn't do more than 1 row at a time - being an OAP! In the meantime I got in touch with James at Ashford, sent him pictures, he couldn't offer an explanation and had to refer to his manager. Cutting a long story short, James said it was cement dust and, despite him not knowing this, we and our contractor were supposed to know that and to wirebrush them before laying. He had bought a wirebrush and used it on slabs in the yard and it worked! Well lucky him, he's probably half my age, AND I had to wirebrush all 82 slabs TWICE before we got them looking something like they were supposed to. So basically, hiding behind their contract - putting things right PRIOR to laying - we were on our own. All we wanted was a nice patio for my disabled husband and I to enjoy. As it is every time I look at it I hate it and wish we'd never been recommended to Stonecraft in Ashford or decided on those slabs. I have pictures and will upload if I can so you can all see what I was up against. So thanks a lot Castacrete..

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Map showing Castacrete on Dean Street
